Leadership Cohort

“Great leaders are not found, they are formed”

Welcome to our Leadership Cohort, the leadership development movement of Metro Church. I do not believe that you are here by accident and you are joining with many others in saying, I am ready to take my leadership to the next level. As the founding pastor of Metro Church, there are very few things that stir my heart more than seeing someone step into their calling by discovering their purpose. The Leadership Cohort was created to help leaders not just discover their purpose, but to deploy that purpose into the world we live in. When you deploy that purpose you will start to take part in seeing people experience Life Change Through Christ.

The Leadership cohort is not a club for us to discuss theory and never take action. The Leadership Cohort is designed for us to grow and then go into the plans and purposes that God has for us. For the weeks we share together we will be looking at biblical leaders like Nehemiah who were called to restore a city and parallel that with our own leadership calling to rebuild a city.